Wednesday, October 7, 2015

TinkerCad Lesson 2

Lesson 1: Learning the moves
On this lesson we learnt how to move objects. It was a really easy lesson so it didn't take really long to do.
Step 1: Drag the brown construction on to the orange place.
Step 2: Try to be as accurate as possible.

In this lesson i learnt the basics of TinkerCad, I now know how to move objects. And I know that when I do tutorials, I should follow the orange outlines. This was a very good and easy first lesson, which I really enjoyed.

Lesson 2: Making my name
On this lesson I learnt how to move letters onto a platform. Same like lesson 1, it was a very easy lesson to do yet it was very interesting and fun,
Step 1: Drag the letters of your name on to the platform from a pool of letters.
Step 2: Try to be as accurate as possible.
Step 3: Re-size the platform so the letters could fit in it perfectly.
Step 4: Select all shapes and group them together.

In this lesson I learnt many things, like dragging letters onto a platform, re-sizing things so it could look really good and grouping shapes. This was a very fun lesson because it was very fascinating and interesting to see my name.

Lesson 3: Camera Controls
On this lesson, I learnt how to move around with the camera, pan around, zooming in or out and going back with the starting view. This was a very useful lesson because I didn't how to do it before. 
Step 1: Use the up, down, right and left key in the top left corner to look who was behind the red curtains.
Step 2: Hold down the right button on the mouse to look around, and also press the shift key while holding the right button on the mouse to pan around.
Step 3: Use the '+' and '-' to zoom in and out.
Step 4: Lastly, I can press the home button to go back to the original view.

Lesson 4: Creating Holes
On this lesson, I learnt how to drag shapes onto a platform, making a hole onto a shape and grouping items together. Making holes onto a shape was very new to me and it was very fun and interesting.
Step 1: Drag a hexagonal prism onto the orange outline.
Step 2: Then I have to press the hole button on the top right, and it will make a hole shape on the tool.
Step 3: Lastly I have to group the items together.

Lesson 5: Scale, Copy and Paste
In this lesson I learnt how to scale, copy and paste objects. I found this lesson really easy but still very useful.
Step 1: Drag the cylinder shape onto the orange outlines.
Step 2: Repeat step 1 and move it onto the other orange outline.
Step 3: Re-size the shape so it will be 15mm.
Step 4: Copy the center shape, and paste it onto the orange outline.
Step 5: Re-size the cylinder so it will be 10mm.

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