Monday, October 5, 2015

Introduction and Inquiring and Designing


Hello, my name is Joseph, I am a student of Digital Design in EISM, Dubai. I have created this blog to show all my work I have done throughout the year.

Inquiring and Designing

Johannes Gutenberg, was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer and publisher which was born in 1398. He introduced printing to Europe, which made him best known as the father of printing. Due to political reasons, he and his family had to leave Mainz and move to Strasbourg in his early 20s. His invention, the printing press has been widely considered as the most important invention of the present-day age. It was invented around 1439, and it had one of the biggest impacts on human history. Around 1455, the ‘Gutenberg Bible’, was a 42-line book and was Gutenberg’s best-known item printed. It is thought to be the first modern-printed book.

There are many types of printers, one of them are the Dot matrix printer. It is a type of impact printer that produces characters and illustrations by having pins striking against an ink ribbon to print close spaced dots in the appropriate shape. Although these printers are quite expensive, they do not produce a very high-quality final product but can print multi-page forms. Another type of printer is the ink-jet printer, it is one of the many printers still used mainly until today. This printer works by spraying ionized ink at a sheet of paper, these printers are capable of producing high-quality prints. Another type of printer is the laser printer, it’s a type of printer that uses a laser beam to produce an image on a drum, which then alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits. The daisy-wheel printer is a printer used to get the type of quality found on typewriters, and it’s called this because the print mechanism looks like a daisy. The last printer is the thermal printer, it is a type of printer that makes a printed image by selectively heating coated thermos chromic paper.

In conclusion, Johannes Gutenberg has made a huge impact on history, without him we wouldn’t be able to print assignments, drawings and more. History has changed over the past 100 years, from a printer which cannot even move to printers which can make real life things, named the 3D printer.

Wikipedia. (2015). Johannes Gutenberg. Available: Last accessed 28/09/2015. (2003). Johannes Gutenberg: Inventions, Facts & Accomplishments. Available: Last accessed 28/09/2015.

Escotal. (2014). Types of printers. Available: Last accessed 28/09/2015. (n.d.). Types of printers. Available: Last accessed 28/09/2015.

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