Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tech Fair


These are the ideas I am interested to do in the tech fair:

- Remote-Controlled Robot Car

- Make a computer-animated film

- Make a video about Dubai

- Make a robot

- Artwork out of old computer pieces

In the tech fair project this year, Aarav (my partner) and I are going to make a remote-controlled car. This was the invention I am most interested in because it is a challenge for me and it is going to be fun to make. I find it quite fascinating. Its going to work with a transmitter in the remote control and receiver in the car. The advantages of making these is even though it is a small, toy car, this can evolve to a real car in the future. This can be better since real cars releases smoke that causes pollution, and these remote-controlled cars doesn't cause as much contamination as real cars.


Below is a video Aarav and I are going to base off our invention of:

I really like this because it is simple for beginners like me.


From the pictures I researched, I am now more interested in doing this project. Throughout my life from when I was a kid, I was always fascinated by cars, and now making it just excites me more. We, Aarav and I, decided that we were not going to be making a normal, modern remote-controlled car, we decided that we will make the car more special. We do not know what to do, but it will be special.

Power Point:


This lesson we got to choose our partners for the tech fair. And it is going to be me and Aarav together. I am very happy because I know we can work really well together and make a really good project. This is a power point Aarav made based out of the project we are going to do for the tech fair, a remote-controlled car. 
Remote-Controlled Car - Advertisement Video:

This is a picture of a part in the video I made
Reflection: I made this advertisement video about the product I made, the remote-controlled car. I had to upload it onto youtube because it took too long to upload on the blog. In the video, I listed the materials I used. I took some remote-controlled cars videos from the internet, which I credited, and I added it onto the video. I felt the video was really good and I am proud of it.

Self Evaluation:

Peer Evaluation: